if you have a question, maybe it has already been answered

1. how long or short should a text submission be?there is no hard rule and is up to actual lives to determine suitable length. text posts will not be edited.   2.  can I upload  photos, video, or audio?actual lives currently accepts subsmissions with relevant photos, GIFS, or audio clips. with donations, video uploads may become supported.

consider media that supports your memory and the feelings associated as best as possible. 

please also note, any media shared with actual lives is your responsibility, must be owned by you, and it must not contain offensive or illegal material. more info on that in the terms of contribution.

3. can I make more than one contribution?yes, you are invited to contribute multiple memories, especially for different songs and albums. however, it is not guaranteed by actual lives that each entry will be published.

4. can I make a contribution for songs, albums or
live sets that aren’t listed here, for example actual life EP, piano versions, or USB?
good question. perhaps with enough interest expressed and significant contributions, actual lives will extend its collection to include live sets, other singles and albums or EPs. 

the reasons they are currently not listed are because, a) actual lives is focused on the emotional quality that is beautifully captured in AL, AL2, AL3, secret life, and ten days, and b) there are simply too many live sets and additional tracks to include. 

a question for you, should there be a limit or should this be limitless?

5.  who is running this website?actual lives is owned and managed by a fred again.. fan without any connection to fred or his team. this is a fan community website slash art project.

6. why didn’t you share my submission?disappointment is understandable and sometimes inevitable. 

there may be a few different reasons this has happened, depending on the submission. if the submission was in agreement with terms and conditions, please keep in mind that entries are manually selected by actual lives based on relevance, quality, and feeling. 

you are invited to keep sharing new submissions.

  contribute a memory